Archman Xfce 18.01 Edition (Codename: Panthera onca) Released
The jaguar (Panthera onca), also known in South America as (painted) onça, is the only extant Panthera species native to the Americas. The jaguar's present range extends from Southwestern United States and Mexico across much of Central America and south to Paraguay and northern Argentina. Though there are single cats now living within the western United States, the species has largely been extirpated from the United States since the early 20th century. It is listed as Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List; and its numbers are declining. Threats include loss and fragmentation of habitat.
The jaguar is the largest cat species in the Americas and the third-largest after the tiger and the lion. This spotted cat closely resembles the leopard, but is usually larger and sturdier. It ranges across a variety of forested and open terrains, but its preferred habitat is tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forest, swamps and wooded regions. The jaguar enjoys swimming and is largely a solitary, opportunistic, stalk-and-ambush predator at the top of the food chain. As a keystone species it plays an important role in stabilizing ecosystems and regulating prey populations.
The jaguar has an exceptionally powerful bite, even relative to the other big cats. This allows it to pierce the shells of armored reptiles and to employ an unusual killing method: it bites directly through the skull of prey between the ears to deliver a fatal bite to the brain.
While international trade in jaguar or its body parts is prohibited, the cat is still frequently killed, particularly in conflicts with ranchers and farmers in South America. Although reduced, its range remains large. Given its historical distribution, the jaguar has featured prominently in the mythology of numerous indigenous American cultures, including those of the Maya and Aztec.
Release Notes and packages:
linux-4.14.10-1 (linux kernel)
pamac-aur 6.2.2-1 (libalpm package installer)
papirus-icon-theme-20171223-1 (icon set)
archmanos-gtk3-theme 0.1-4 (theme and window decoration (arch-darker-osx based- combination: tulliana)
calamares-3.1.11-2 (universal system installer)
Firefox-57.0.3-1 (internet browser)
Thunderbird-52.5.2-1 (e-mail reader)
Xfce4 4.12.4-1 (desktop environment)
libreoffice-still 5.3.7-6 (office applications)
gimp 2.8.22-1 (Image Manipulation Program)
inkscape 0.92.2-7 (vector application)
virtualbox 5.2.4-1 (virtual machine)
archman-xfce-settings 20171019-1 (Archman Xfce default settings)
Last updated drivers
Unsupprted drivers (b43-firmware-, xf86-video-sis-0.10.8-3 ...)
Screenshot shortcut key: PrtSc
AUR repos enabled
Multilib Arch repos enabled
Archman-OS Theme (combination by tulliana)
Tiger background and wallpapers (Open source research)
Liberation Sans font
Drop-Down terminal= F12
Screenshots= PrtSc
Start Menu= Super+L (win start button)
Calamares slides (Canemir - Archman artwork developer)
click here for package list
Facilitated Terminal commands
sudo pacman -S ==> pac
sudo pacman -Ss ==> pacs
sudo pacman -Syy ==> pacu
sudo pacman -Syu ==> update
sudo pacman -Scc ==> clean
sudo pacman -Rsnc ==> remove
sudo reflector --verbose --latest 15 --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist ==> mirrors
sudo reflector --verbose --latest 15 --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist && sudo pacman -Syyu ==> upgrade
Suse ImageWriter recommended to transfer usb disk on Linux and on Windows
(Suse ImageWriter on Archman repos)
Format USB disk:
sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sd? -I
dd command:
sudo dd bs=4M if=/path/to/archman.iso of=/dev/sd? status=progress && sync
(as root or with sudo)
Please test and tell us your findings and findings about this release.
Kind regards..
tulliana... - Bizi bilen iyi bilir, bilmeyen de kendi gibi bilir.!
Öncelikle Merhaba. Linux kullanımında kendime yetecek kadar bir deneyimim var. Kurup denemediğim linux sürümü hemen hemen kalmadı diyebilirim. Archman Xfce 18.01 sürümünü ilk defa kurdum. Hiç beklemediğim bir şekilde her açıdan çok iyi hazırlanmış bir sürüm. Geliştiricilerin beynine ve eline sağlık. Ülkemizin gurur duyacağı linux sürümlerine gerçekten gereksinimimiz var. Bu nedenle tüm Archman topluluğunu candan kutluyorum.
Merhaba.Yazmasam olmazdı. 🙂 Esasen hazır sistem Arch kullanma alışkanlığım hiç yoktur.Bu aralar Arch Linux Gnome'nin yanına bir Arch Xfce kurayım deyip te hep son anda üşenip ertleleyip duruyordum.Derken Archman Xfce'in yayınlanmış olduğunu gördüm ve derhal indirip kurdum.Gördüm ki, mükemmel olmuş.Bir fiziksel, bir de sanal kurulum yaptım.Üstelik fiziksel kurulum yaptığım bilgisayarım, sınıfımda kullandığım tam 8(sekiz) yıllık eski bir dizüstü.Her ikisinde de sorunsuz ve sıkıntısız çalışıyor.Kurulumu da sıkıntısız ve hızlı bir şekilde gerçekleşiyor.Sistemde son kullanıcı için gerekli olabileceklerin seçimi olsun, sistemin yapılandırması olsun, seçilen tema vb. oldukça beğenimi kazandı.Teşekkürler tulliana, eline, emeğine sağlık.Başarıların daim olsun.Kolay gelsin. - Öğretmeniim!Canım Benim